

29 Nov


Yes, we have a Black Friday Sale on now as well! Details are available in this forum post for those wondering:



It’s time for the Corpus’s favorite holiday — Black Friday! During the most magical time of the year, you can save BIG on official Warframe merchandise and in-game Orbiter decorations.

Buy One, Get One 50% Off Merchandise

Buy any* item from the ...

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As we patiently wait for The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 to pass Cert, we want to make sure Nintendo Switch Tenno can participate in the Prime Vault! In that spirit, you’ll find two special Alerts live exclusively for Nintendo Switch Tenno this weekend:

Vauban Prime Blueprint & Ash Prime Blueprint are available in Alerts now until Monday, December 2 @ 2PM ET 

We’ll continue to keep you posted in the...

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28 Nov


The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 will remain in Cert for the rest of the week as Nintendo’s Cert team for this region is away to be with their families for American Thanksgiving. We understand the frustration this delay is causing, so we have two special Alerts planned for Nintendo Switch Tenno this weekend!

Vauban Prime Blueprint & Ash Prime Blueprint will be available in Alerts on Friday, November 29 @ 2:00 PM ET - Monday, December 2 @ 2PM ET

Happy Thanksgiving! We can’t thank you enough for your patience and understanding.

27 Nov


Thank you all for waiting so patiently for The Old Blood. We want to show our appreciation and make up for lost time, so we have some goodies planned! Here's what's coming exclusively to Nintendo Switch once The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 launches:

  • Double Affinity Weekend
  • 2 Relic Packs (6 Relics total!)
  • 7-Day Resource Booster

All of these goodies will be in addition to everything that arrived on other platforms with the update:

  • Legendary Core (for Mastery Rank 3+ accounts that aren't brand new)
  • 8 Gift of the Lotus Alerts
  • Forma Bundle
  • 7-Day Affinity Booster (that means 4x Affinity if you pair your Booster with the Double Affinity Weekend!)

Dates for the Alerts and Double Affinity Weekend will be posted in The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 thread once it's live. We'll continue to keep you posted here as soon as we hear from Ninten...

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25 Nov


We're close! The nature of the issue we’re working through with Nintendo is based on SD card life expectancy. We need to make sure that the hardware can handle The Old Blood update since its download size exceeds the Nintendo Switch’s 20 GB base memory. Nintendo will be in touch again tomorrow at the earliest- we'll have a better understanding of when we can expect to launch the update then!

22 Nov


Ready yourself, Tenno.

Following Devstream #133 on Friday, November 22, complete Missions to gain double the Affinity!

Quickly rank up your Warframes, weapons and more.

Don’t miss out! Double Affinity ends Monday, November 25 at 2 p.m. ET.

Go forth and prove your mastery!


Hello Switch Tenno! As of this morning, The Old Blood remains in the Cert process, which means the Update will not release before the weekend. Since the unvaulted Relics won’t appear in-game until the update is live, we want to apologize for the delay with a Relic Pack treat set to arrive in your inbox when the update launches. The 8 time-limited Alerts will also be rescheduled for after the launch of The Old Blood, as they are aimed towards the Melee Phase 2 changes and the rewards require the update. You can expect more info next week when we have it! Thank you again for your patience as we work together with Nintendo to get this update out ASAP!

21 Nov



A frosty collection of festive Warframe merch is available now! Grab any of our new Winter Collection items individually, or get them all with the Deck the Scrawls Holiday Bundle which includes the Warframe holiday sweater...

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19 Nov


Vauban Prime and Ash Prime have launched with their signature Prime Weapons and Accessories! The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 remains in the Cert process while we work with Nintendo. We'll continue to keep you updated as we go along!


The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 continues to be in the Cert process, so it’s possible Nintendo Switch won’t launch alongside PS4 & Xbox One today. We're coordinating with all parties to see where we can help! We’re sorry about the delay - thank you so much for your patience. We’ll let you know here as soon as we have more info.


The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 has passed Cert and will launch today, November 19th @ ~ 2 PM ET. Be on the lookout for Red Text to count you down to Kuva Liches, Grendel, Melee Phase 2: Technique, Vauban and Ash Prime Vault, and much more!


The Old Blood: Update 26.0.6 has passed Cert and will launch today, November 19th @ ~ 2 PM ET. Be on the lookout for Red Text to count you down to Kuva Liches, Grendel, Melee Phase 2: Technique, Vauban and Ash Prime Vault, and much more!

15 Nov


Thank you all who participated! The team here at DE so enjoyed looking at your submissions as they came in. You wear your mustaches well!

Megan and Rebecca revealed the winners live last night during Prime Time #269:

Moframe of Mind Contest Honorable Mentions:

Spoiler Read more

12 Nov


The masters of stealth and tactics are coming back!

Returning from the vault, Ash Prime and Vauban Prime are perfect additions to any Tenno Arsenal. Soon you'll be able to earn these Warframes and their Weapons or get instant access!

To make room for these two Prime treasures, Saryn Prime and Valkyr Prime will be re-entering the vault. More information on an official closing date will be coming soon! Learn more a...

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11 Nov


The script has finished running, and the Dullahan Mask has been removed from all platforms - until next season!

08 Nov



Crisp autumn air signals the arrival of crisp new Dojos to be featured on the Star Chart! We’re looking for winning Clans who have put hard work into their Dojos and are ready to open their doors to all Tenno. Winners will also receive the exclusive contest Trophy and a stockpile of Resources!

There will be three winners per Clan tier per platform (20 first place winners in total).

  • PC: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • PS4: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • XB1: Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon
  • Switch:  Ghost, Shadow, Storm, Mountain, Moon

How to enter:...

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06 Nov


Hey Vladolak! The team is looking into fixing this bug now. Can you please let us know which items specifically you're having trouble with? More details will help our team reproduce the bug 🙂


The Dullahan Mask is going to be hanging around in-game just a bit longer as we prioritize PC hotfixes! Once we're in the clear, we will run the script.

04 Nov


Like a jack-o-lantern outside your door after Hallowe’en, the Dullahan Mask is ready to say goodbye. A script will be run later today to remove the Dullahan Mask from all platforms.

But have no fear! The Dullahan Mask will return for next year’s spooky season before you even carve your first pumpkin. Until then!